”Sono vittima di una patologia grave”: l’attore Pietro Genuardi rivela di essere sparito perché sta facendo la chemio, il racconto – Gossip.it

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By truonglytutrong

  • Armando Ferraris Signore’s paradise will momentarily settle into the soap
  • The 62nd person on the social in a long post confesses the malattia that he has colpito

Armando Ferraris Signore’s paradise It will momentarily settle into one of the most popular soap operas in the public. “I am the victim of a serious pathology”stay in a long post Pietro Genuardi. The lawyer who plays the popular character rivela di essere esparito‘Da every settimane perché sta doing the chemio.

“I am the victim of a serious pathology”: the lawyer Pietro Genuardi rivela di essere sparito perché sta doing the chemio

“It has been a month since I found the inauguration of the Palazzo Velli tutti voi during the opening of the exhibition dedicated to the Paradiso delle Signore. Poi sono scomparso dai radar – confesses the 62enne ai follower on social networks – Purtroppo was the victim of a serious blood pathology that will have undergone a very long period of cure and that will foreseeably conclude the treatment of my child.

“This is the second cycle of the chemotherapeutic protocol. – continues Pietro – ma tra brief non mi vedrete più in onda. Rest always Fedele ad Armando, at my college there is only one that in this period my sono stati vicinissimo is voi that I hope to possiate with your energy sustain me so soon I can return to the work più forte de prima.”

Armando Ferraris Signore’s paradise will momentarily settle into the soap

“A link to the department of oncoematology of Umberto Primo of Rome soprattutto in the figure of the primary, il professor Martelli, of the medici che mi stanno seguendo como la doctor Minotti, la doctor Carmosino, il professor Breccia Bianca, Diletta e Deborah che con il loro intervento Tempest at the moment I have not avoided an existence drama of the pathology. And not last but not least, the group of nurses and paramedics, unified, is capable of supporting the patient with a commendable empathy even at the moment that is right.”adds Genuardi.

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The 62nd anniversary of the social in a long post confesses the malattia that he has colpito

Arriva infine un pensiero per sua famiglia: “E’ difficile, sarà longa ma l’amore de mia moglie Linda, de mio figlio Jacopo e de mio padre con una bien dose de preghiera ei protocolli medici tornerò più in forza di prima. Thank you to all of you, I devo assolutely live at least three more years for each stringervi one by one and God will keep the promise.”. In 2020, Pietro married Linda Ascimiento, a flight attendant (if he knows her on a direct flight in Kenya). Prima di lei was married to actress Gabriella Saitta, since 1991 she had Jacopo.

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