Paola Iezzi, del duo ‘Paola e Chiara’, e la vita senza figli: ”Ecco perché ho scelto di non averli” –

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By truonglytutrong

  • The artist 50enne, giudice di X Factorrivela also l’incontro col compagno su my space
  • I discovered the breakage with the 51st sorella in 2013, a moment of depression, also cured with the pharmacy.

Paola Iezzi, judge of X FactorIf you turn on the cover say Funny. At settimanale she speaks of her soul, a liberated woman. On TV with the talent show, it’s pure in the bookstore with the autobiography sistersedited by Rizzoli, which narrates the artistic journey with the sister Chiara, 51 years old. The parrot duo, Paola and ChiaraHe has shared this reunion, after the separation in 2013, and continues to do so. E’ parrot the hit of the moment, The language of the bodywith rapper Big Mama. The artist 50enne raconta pure life without figures. “Ecco perché ho scelto di non averli”spy.

Paola Iezzi, from the duo ‘Paola and Chiara’and life without figures: “Ecco perché ho scelto di non averli”

When he told him that there was no more attempt to put paletti in his freedom, Paola’s reply: “No. From my genitor’s birth we have always found the person who has rispettato le mie scelte. Ma diventando adult le pressioni, anche non esplicite, le ho percepite in forma di curiosità. Come succede a tutte le donne senza figli, sento semper aleggiare la domanda: perché? Agli uomini non lo chiedono. Dà annoying. say quello che ho.”

La Iezzi speaks also of the companion with whom he is 15 years old, Paolo Santambrogio, photographer and registered. The man who signed the settimanale flyer. “A second from the moment we siamo più or less capiti. To say that we have grown insieme, facilitated by a common passion: photography. Amiamo gli Anni 90, the golden period of Steven Meisel, Helmut Newton, Peter Lindbergh. Paolo’s work is precise, manic, and vorrebbe, when my photography, che gli leggessi in her mind. Non è uno que ti copre de complementi mentre sei sul set, but è di una bravura straordinaria, quindi mi fido cecamente di lui”dice.

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The artist 50enne, giudice di X Factorrivela also l’incontro col compagno su my space. E’ in librería con Sisters, il libro in cui racconta insieme alla sorella la storia della loro esperienza musicale e non solo

If you know your my space. Paola Rivela: “Paolo was his photographic set with a DJ who was in contact with me, his social quel, to greet me. My friend has one style with some alternative and rock: without the spinta di qualcuno non avrebbe mai considerato una come me, che faceva pop music. I started writing. Poi scoprii che era un bel ragazzo dagli occhi azzurri e dai colori chiari, vichinghi, che piacciono a me. My single is very little, I have a travagliata story that lasts six years, I will walk on the piano and my sono detta: ford sulla Rete e vedo che foto fa questo tizio. Se sono brutte non gli rispondo. And sometimes it was beautiful and there was a period of courtship that we saw. “Non ci siamo più lasciati.”

When the duo with the sorella was broken and did not immediately break up, the Iezzis confessed: “Due o tre anni dopo è arrivata la botta. An infida depression, che non ho riconosciuto subito. I was always sad, I was not più io. Last year a psychotherapy course followed, but capitol that sedute is not enough for the new sfida. Ho dovuto prendere pharmaci, curemi. It lasts another, nine months. Little by little, it is not necessary. To the point that in 2020 I am in Stoccolma every month alone, to have a musical experience, to meet producers and musicists.”

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