¿Joven que deportó a su novio irá a prisión? Esto revela abogado » Naijapopstar

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By truonglytutrong

The young Mexican woman who managed to deport her boyfriend from the United States after discovering that he was being unfaithful could be involved in serious legal problems.

@monts.user555 went viral through TikTok after saying that he deceived his loved one and took him to the border of Mexico and the United States so that the authorities could deport him.


Although her story has been applauded by hundreds of Internet users, who claim that it is “good revenge” because she was the one who paid to take her to the United States, she could face the law.

According to the lawyer, Carlos Eduardo Espina, he explained that the Mexican committed “a fairly serious crime” for which “she could spend up to decades in prison.”

“First – he can be accused – of kidnapping, because you cannot put a person in your car based on lies and take him to a different place against his will; Second, it is due to human trafficking because it took him to an international border,” the expert explained.

Although Espina clarified that this is only a warning so that someone does not commit the same actions as the young woman, Internet users have reacted upset by her words.

“So you’re giving the guy ideas to report her?”; “Crime? Then she can sue him for breach of trust, fraud, etc.” and “It is not a crime -because- there was no kidnapping, he went up on his own; There is no traffic either because everything was legal through customs,” he argues.

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However, there are those who believe that @monts.user555 must pay for his act of revenge and for not having acted with caution and reporting the case to the authorities.

Despite the warning, the Mexican remains calm since no official complaint has been issued by the authorities.

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