The photo of the wedding in Africa by Brigitta Cazzato, the first-born daughter of Loredana Lecciso: a romantic ceremony…
1. Weddings in AfricaLoredana Lecciso’s first-born daughter has remarried her partner Yan Goby. The copy is eternal love in Kenya, vicino Malindi, for the precision of Watamu. Accompanying all of Brigitta Cazzato is a very yellow dress, probably her father Fabio Cazzato, who was born in Lecciso from 1993 to 1996.
2. Jasmine Carrisi At the invitation of Brigitta’s minor sister, daughter Jasmine Carrisi, born in 2001 in the relationship between Lecciso and Al Bano. He is very legate, because the relationship with the fratello Albano Carrisi Junior, the last genius of Al Bano and Lory, is also strong.
3. On the beachThe ceremony is very characteristic if it takes place in the sea, in front of the sea. The event is valid for the festivals, in a lusso resort.
4. Non è la prima cerimoniaI due in realtà sembra si fossero già spposati sia con un cerimonia civile a Lecce nel 2022, sia con un’altra cerimonia più intimate semper in Kenya nel 2023. Forse stavolta si è trattato però del grande event con amici e familiari arrivati tutte le part of the world.
5. The TrantoThe copy is like eternal love with a stupendous stretch.
6. Change of look Change of look for the wife who for the party has worn a sensual dress with incroci and transparency. Eccola insieme alle amiche.
7. I dance Brigitta ei suoi ospiti si sono scatenati in Africa per festeggiare il grande amore fine a notte fonda.
8. Ecco gli sposi at the time of the traditional cake taglio.