- La top model 40enne si fa vedere col ragazzo che ha scelto: è felice
- “Guarisce love”write hope for your future
Don’t tag it. Do not reveal your name, but without giving when you do all the surgeries to resume the tumor all the way to the third stadium, you have shown in your story and in your social post. Bianca Balti faces malattia with a new love. Condivide nuove foto en cui è insieme al fidanzato che la sta accompagnando during the chemio. The difficult task of finding the cancer has just begun, but the top model has a deep certainty in its heart. The black color is white, to accompany the sounds in the mysterious ragazzo: “Guarisce love.”
Bianca Balti faces the malattia with a new love: the photo with the trust that she is accompanying during the chemio
The 40enne bathed it with tenerezza and so much passion. I wish I had a weekend of pure relaxation by the sea, passing through the sea and appetizing barbecues. “Life is beautiful”sottolinea ancora una volta il suo hashtag. Bianca is happy.
La top model 40enne si fa vedere col ragazzo che ha scelto: è felice
I lived for a weekend spent in peace and relaxation
La Balti raccoglie un mare di ‘as’: friend famous and persone comuni le fanno gli auguri e si congratulano con lei per la serenità che show, launching, in this way, a positive message to all those who sound ‘vittime’ I gave a serious pathology. E’ necessario essere positivi, andare avanti, sia per combattere, sia per prendere tutto quel che di buono la vita regali, fossero anche solo pochi istanti.
Non tagga l’uomo, non ne svela il nome. “Guarisce love”write hope for your future
Mother of Matilde, 17 years old, daughter of Christian Lucidi, and Mia, born in 2015 from the relationship with second husband Matthew McRae, the ragazza of Lodi, musa di Dolce & GabbanaGennaio Scorso has officialized the relationship with Helly Nahmad. The famous and famous collectionist, however, is not his companion. I see another person who has decided to keep it tight and not hurt it for a second on a tortuous path, like what an oncological patient is facing, which is unforeseen and momentary. Lei guard the future insieme a lui and incrocia le vita, perché, come mature all’infinito, la vita è bella.