- The 48enne driver announces her fidanzata with “a perbene person”
- The relationship is born in this month, it has been presented by Swami and her friend Samantha De Grenet.
Elenoire Casalegno confides her private life to History of Donne al Bivio. The 48th anniversary of having a new love. Despite Monica Setta, announces: “I have now found a partner with whom I live a beautiful relationship.”
“I have found a partner with whom I live a beautiful relationship”: Elenoire Casalegno svela di avere un novo amore, ecco chi sarebbe
“Ho I have a tossic love, a relationship with a pathological narcissist and I am not sure. I was happily single, perché poi io this bene da sola, diciamo che mi basto. I do not have any desire or desire to find any. “Invece qualche mese fa ho found a partner with whom I live a beautiful relationship.”rivela l’ultima inviata dell’Famous Island.
La Casalegno adds: “Abbiamo started scambiandoci messaggi sul calcium, our passione, and poi è scoppiato l’amore”. La Setta sa chi è il fidanzato della sua ospite e fornisce alcuni particolari in più: “If Chiama Matteo, he is a friend and he is a giornalista”. Poi commanda ad Elenoire something l’abbia colpita di lui. “I am a perbene, positive, solar person. This is important, in addition to the daily life and the fat of so much stuff. A companion should also be a friend who can talk and have fun. “E’ una persona de cui fidarsi e non è something of little”respond without any esitazione lei. Eizz punctual: “Io sono diventata molto difiente. “I will find a person who trusts and is complex.”
The 48enne driver announces her fidanzata with “a perbene person”
La Setta will note that this quest’uomo is a worker who carries it to spostarsi spesso, he commanda, quindi, come faccia to far funzionare il rapporto. Elenoire says: “Yes, it is true, it is always in motion, it is not simple, but it is the sentiment and intention of the world. With maturità poi c’è pure molta più pazienza.”
He has presented il new love all’amica del cuore, De Grenet: “Samantha sa tutto, lei è felice di vedermi felice, como sa serlo un vera amica”. Also the figure Swami, who will soon be 25 years old, has signed it: “Lui e mia figlia haveno avuto manner of knowing each other.”
The relationship is born in this month, it has been presented by Swami and her friend Samantha De Grenet.
The identity of the TV is not completely revealed. MY’ Dagospia a challenge per certain il suo nome. Il fidanzato della Casalegno sarebbe Matteo Pandini, 44 years old, former giornalista del quotidiano liberocapo ufficio stampa and spokesperson for Vice Premier Matteo Salvini, and tifosissimo dell’Inter, the squadra amata pure da Elenoire.