- The lizza per la vittoria, ma le due piccole Sofia and Beatrice, 8 and 5 years old, soffrono
- In this month and mezzo the baby was in the same state with his father and any one with his son.
And in the fight for the final victory, join Bianca Guaccero. Federica Nargi shines on the court thanks to her teacher Luca Favilla. The former velina 34enne, legata dal 2009 ad Alessandro Matri, a chi Talk about your experience on TV, but it is difficult to do the momentary transfer from Milan to Rome, your hometown, per Dancing with Le Stelle. “Manco ma will die alle mie figlie, la piccola a scuola piange”sottolinea.
“Manco diere alle mie figlie, la piccola a scuola piange”: Federica Nargi solved the problem of the transfer to Rome for ‘Ballando’
The chorus girl has agreed with a great performance, I will dance the piace and see you. But he confesses: “Lasciare le bambine a Milano is stata for me the most difficult thing. Reconcile the impetus and family life is not simple. Anche perché so che manco loro diere, dopo un mese e mezzo iniziano a chiedere di me. Soprattutto la più piccola, Beatrice. A scuola piange, le manco. I’m close to farle capire che mamma lavora. “I hope that this experience will serve all my friends to remember that, in life, a dream will be realized, I will believe and work.”
Federica adds: “The mother has not abandoned him, this is a little weight that he bears all the mother who works. I have seen Ballando as a way to overcome my limits, I will be in this world, my children will always be my priority. Ho potuto partipare perché mio marito (he chiamas it ‘husband’my read and the former calciatore are not married, ed.) My appoggia, and my suoceri aiutano and also my miei genitori go out of Rome to lend a hand. “Domenica, dopo ogni puntata, I run da loro.”