”Mio padre ha avuto tre ictus ed è affetto da demenza senile”: Antonella Mosetti spiega perché il padre ormai vive in una RSA – Gossip.it

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By truonglytutrong

  • The man is an assistant to the showgirl 49enne and her brother Massimiliano
  • “Forza papa, siamo qui”, write in the social showing some images in cui lo aiuta a mangiare

Antonella Mosetti loves him deeply and, when he releases his professional impetus, he is on his own. His social news: “My father has suffered three strokes and is affected by senile dementia.”. Spiega perché il padre ormai lives in an RSA.

“My father has suffered three strokes and is affected by senile dementia.”: Antonella Mosetti plays around her father ormai lives in an RSA

The 49enne assists the man. Even his brother Massimiliano is always close to you. “Family is the only real fortune we have in life, so blessed when there is so much sofferenza.” – notary Antonella – My father, who has had his last stroke, has begun ad essere affected by Senile Dementia and various complications continue. Only with so much Love and continuous presence, if I can alleviate the pain and the incapacity of capire, what is happening to you… Forza Papa. Siamo qui.”

It was so much that I gave him a gift ‘as’ to your post and I was solid with your pain. The fratello li ringrazia and comments: “Thank you to tutti. Spesso la forza per confrontare este malattia che è una vera ‘via crucis’, si prende anche da un semplice social cuore. Thank you anchor!. Pure Massimiliano on his profile shares most of his legacy with his father. “The senile dementia is a malattia that can be healed alone with Amore smisurato. We are fully available for consigli and approfondimenti dedicated to chi, come noi, sta affrontando este journey ‘comlesso’ e pieno di saliscendi. Strength and Love!”sottolinea. Desidera proprio con questi brevi video aiutare chi vivir un’esperienza simile.

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The man is an assistant to the showgirl 49enne and her brother Massimiliano

Antonella aiuta il padre a mangiare, comforts him. E’ dispiaciuta perché lo vede costretto in a letto nella RSA, ma tutto avviene per il bene del genitore, per rendergli less dura il cammino, tra pathologie e questa condizione neurodegenerativa che lo fa regredire suo malgrado.

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