- The 47th parla of the period in cui per tutti was the ‘gattamorta’ of the cousin Big Fratello
- Sara one of the concorrenti of Talpa: potrebbe essere lei la ‘spy’ of reality
Marina La Rosa, next competitor of Talpawhich turns on its Channel 5 with Diletta Leotta, racconta the hardest period of life, with attacks of panic and psychologist. “Non risk to uscire di casa”confess a chi. Tutto è accaduto dopo il primo Big Fratelloin 2000, when he was signed to the end of “gattamorta”. It is difficult to move it around.
“Non risk to home use”: panic attack and psychologist, Marina La Rosa explains the hardest period
“People who see me in different ways feed my perception. Essere chiamata gattamorta con fare dispregiativo in televisione, per strada, al cinema, nei locali, non è stato facile. C’erano volte in cui non riuscivo a uscire da casa. Perché this dissonance has created a break in the fact that the panic attack and my sono turned to a psychologist. Avevo 24 years old. The mind is not mind: you felt happy, but the body says: ‘Aspetta un attimo’. Ecco perché ho avuto gli attacchi di panic, che per me sono un benedizione, perché ti fanno capire che qualcosa non va. “This analysis has started and it lasts so long.”svela Marina.
The Sicilian 47enne added: “Dopo essermi risolta, sono rimasta affascinata da questo mondo. And, when my children have started at school, my voice is written at the university. “Oggi provoked a great love and a great love for those ragazzina that were so stata.”
The 47th parla of the period in cui per tutti was the ‘gattamorta’ of the cousin Big Fratello
The Rose is single, when it commands its ideal, it says: “Ho capito one thing in questi anni: intimate. In reality, they are very simple in what they appear. I love harmony, irony, intelligence. Now I’m over the beautiful and dannato phase, I’m in the ‘normal person’ phase, in the end, what’s wrong? E ammetto, tra l’altro, di non cercare nessuno. If another person arrives there must be an increased value, altrimenti è peggio per tutti, si diventa intolleranti.”
Marina does not exclude di essere ‘spy’ Delaware Talpa: “Chissa…”. Turn into another reality show on the GF and the Famous Islands. Spiega: “The GF was the era of my first life, that of a teenager near his place in the world. L’Isola, invece, me l’avevano proposta altre volte ma ho accettato solo en nel 2019. Mi trovavo in un momento personale very particular e, quindi, ho decided to leave, waiting for the pause of the real life to be able to aiutarmi to fare chiarezza his some thing. And also… La Talpa. Non mi aspettavo la chiamata, a dire la verità avevo proprio un altro progetto da continuae. Ma, poi, mi sono sentita attratta dall’idea di un spy game in perfetto stile Jessica Fletcher”. A return to Big Brother is not categorically excluded: “My motto is ‘mai dire mai’. I was very rich in the experience of life that I shared, reputo passedata e sepolta. Poi chissà… Nella vita esiste always la carta degli unforevisti.”