Ultimo e la fidanzata incinta Jacqueline, figlia di Heather Parisi, accolgono vicino New York un famosissimo cantante italiano: foto – Gossip.it

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By truonglytutrong

  • I due if I was momentarily transferred negli Use: The 24enne partorirà lì
  • Vanno in gita nell’Upstate, situated at the north of the Grande Mela, with the popular popstar tonata single

Sono diventati ancora with friends at the Festival di Sanremo 2022, singing a medley of the greatest events of the 60enne. Ora si ritrovano a surprise negli Usa. Last of all, the fidanzata includes Jacqueline Luna Di Giacomo, figlia of Heather Parisi, who lived in New York and a very famous Italian singer. Lui è Eros Ramazzotti, tornato single dopo la rottura with Dalila Gelsomino. The artist, who was born in Rome, joined the 28-year-old singer and the fidanzata, who momentarily appeared at the Grande Mela. La 24enne, che abel maschietto, partorirà lì, ormai manca pochisimo all’arrivo della cicogna.

Last and the fidanzata incinta Jacqueline, figlia de Heather Parisi, accolgono vicino New York a very famous Italian singer: Eros Ramazzotti

Nelle sue storie Niccolò Moriconi reveals the presence of Eros: “I saw what I saw and came to discover in America…”. Accanto a lui c’è l’ex marito di Michelle Hunziker y Marica Pellegrinelli che con le dita fa il segno di vittoria ed esclama: “Ramazza!”

Il 28enne e la 24enne con il 60enne sono nell’Upstate New York: Jacqueline è agli sgoccioli con la gravidanza, partorirà negli Usa

Last publishes also a post in which he shares some moments insieme with Jacqueline, splendida with her huge pancione, and l’amico. It is called Upstate New York, a geographic region made up of the portion of the state of New York located in the north of the city’s metropolitan area. The greenery of the countryside, the bucolic landscape and the beauty of the presence of a lake predominate.

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I due Artisti were diventati many friends at the Sanremo festival 2022, when in the serata delle cover they have sung insieme a medley of the brani of Eros

Lastly, he also turns on the chitarra in his hand and sings a famous song from his colleague, “An emotion forever”una delle sue favorite canzoni. Eros sings it with lui. The ragazzo comment: “Momenti che restano così, impressi nella mente. With the zio Eros”. E’felicissimo.

The bucolic paesaggio gives serenity to Jacqueline, and the children will embrace their baby.

Lastly, Jacqueline had an apartment in Time Square, but, obviously, they were also gifted to some of the most beautiful villas in the Upstate to enjoy the arrival of E., the figlioletto dovrebbe chiamarsi Edoardocome un caro amico prematurely scomparso di Niccolò, è un omaggio a lui.

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