”Vorrei spingere un pulsante e tornare a quel momento”: Diletta Leotta si commuove in tv raccontando i dettagli delle sue nozze estive – Gossip.it

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By truonglytutrong

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Diletta Leotta on TV does not speak only of the next conduzione of Talpa. TO very true Si commuove raccontando and dettagli delle sue nozze estive. The 33rd matured when she said this about Loris Karius, father of her Aria, a year later on August 16, June 22, on Vulcano. “I will press a pulse and return to that moment”confess.

“I will press a button and return to that moment”: Diletta Leotta if she coexists on television raccontando and dettagli delle sue nozze estive

“The day of my marriage, my dad was very emotional, but he was very happy, so much”raconta the Sicilian. And add emotion: “For me there was a whirlwind of difficult emotions that started, all I said was that I was in a very fast, wonderful day. My sono goduta tutto al massimo e, dopo la nascita di Aria, è stato il giorno più bello della mia vita. The best thing to do is to marry Vulcano because I have so much there in my life. Vorrei avere un pulsante per turn indietro nel tempo e rivivere tutto.”

Il marito è il suo tutto, insieme alla figlioletta. “Trame e Loris è stato un colpo di fulmine: appena l’ho seen ho detto: ‘Lui sarà il padre dei miei figli’. E’ Successo ed è stato tutto molto veloce ma non avrei potuto chiedere di meglio. We are very good now, obviously, it is not always easy to do so when we turn on the measure and grow again, but we are finding a beautiful balance. Magari ci sarà il momento in cui lui dovrà depart e arra all’estero ma siamo prepareti anche perché perché lo abbiamo già fatto”chiarisce the Leotta.

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The 33rd driving comes back to when he said yes to Loris Karius on the 22nd day of joining Vulcano

“E’stato un anno pieno, belissimo e credo che, a volte, bisognerebbe fermarsi e riflettere… I must say that I was so happy in this moment of my life”rivela. The presenter poi sulla bimba says: “Aria sta crescendo at an incredible speed, I didn’t want to waste a minute with him. For example, in this period it was stata lontana da casa per some settitimane per La Talpa ed è stato difficilissimo lasciarla, when it was tornata lei camminava. I am very happy about my rapport with Loris because he is a very present dad, he is in Germany and he is very legati. “Our girl is growing and growing and is reinforcing this day of life in our love, she is so happy because she is also my mother and she is a girl who has been around for 9 years.”.

La figlia sta impartirittura tre lingue: “He gives me the Italian language, my dad speaks Spanish and, perhaps, I speak English and Loris communicates with me.”

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